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Taumatua Plantations manage the forestry blocks around Tokoroa and Putaruru. Their management require anyone looking to ride in their forests to be a member of the Waikato Endurance Club. This is to ensure that riders are protected with adequate insurance cover. Riders also need to apply for a specific forestry permit directly with Taumatua Plantations. The forms for both WEC membership and forestry riding permit can be found under the resources tab on this website.
Once you have received your riding permit you will be able to ride in the designated riding areas within the forestry blocks. These areas can change from time to time due to blocks being temporarily unavailable if they are used by other recreational users (motorbikes, pig hunting) or harvested. Sometimes the forest is closed when there is a high fire risk or strong winds. The WEC forestry rep will keep members informed of these changes. Signs at the designated parking areas provide you with maps and emergency phone numbers.
Please adhere to all forestry rules and regulations and keep the car parking areas clean and tidy for other users - it is a privilege to be able use these areas.
Application forms are on the resources tab. You will need to fill out an application form for the Waikato Endurance Club first to obtain a WEC membership number before applying for the forestry permit.
Forestry riders now need to complete an induction first before getting a permit issued. This is not onerous and our forestry rep Andrea will arrange to do it with you at your convenience.
Andrea on 027 4617685
or email
A new riding area has been opened up with some awesome tracks through young pines.
The block is off Mosston Rd, about 20 minutes out of Tokoroa. A map is available for permitted riders. There is also a Facebook group for forestry riders with updated info on track closures and general information. This is a members only page, details available to those who are permitted riders.
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